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Is there a major outbreak of hepatitis A?


On February 29, news of "an outbreak of hepatitis A virus in Donggang of Rizhao" spread through WeChat groups. According to the online rumor, "hepatitis A virus has broken out in Donggang of Rizhao city". The Donggang branch of Rizhao Public Security Bureau in Shandong province issued a notice on March 1, saying that it was a rumor and that the public security bureau had summoned and reprimanded several rumormongers according to law. However, some netizens pointed out that there were some relationships between the fake news and Donggang, Liaoning Province. 

According to the online rumor, hepatitis A virus (HAV) outbroke in Donggang and Zhuanghe of Dandong, Liaoning, which was related to seafood. According to the Liaoning Provincial Health Commission, there is a small epidemic peak of hepatitis A every three to five years. The disease is seasonal and occurs frequently in winter and spring. It can be prevented, controlled, and treated.

On March 9, the official website of the Liaoning Provincial Health Commission announced that in early 2020, the epidemic of hepatitis A in Liaoning province was on the rise compared with 2019, and concentrated in some coastal counties. However, by the end of February, no public health emergencies of Hepatitis A had been reported in Liaoning province, and there was no obvious epidemiological correlation between data analysis cases, indicating that the incidence of hepatitis A was still sporadic in Liaoning Province. 

  •  What is Hepatitis A?

Viral hepatitis A (abbreviation armor liver) it is by a hepatitis virus cause, the infectious disease that gives priority to with liver inflammation pathological change.

  • What clinical symptom does armor liver have?

The main symptom of armor liver is acute hepatitis, however, asymptomatic infection is common. Clinical symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, hepatomegaly, abnormal liver function, and in some cases jaundice such as yellow eyes sclera, skin, and urine. The incubation period of acute hepatitis A is usually 14 to 49 days (average 30 days).

  • How is armor liver transmitted?

Hepatitis A is an infectious disease of the digestive tract caused by the hepatitis A virus. Infected people are mainly hepatitis A patient recessive infection (no hepatitis symptoms and signs, but hepatitis A virus IgM antibody positive). The fecal-oral route is the main route of hepatitis A transmission. Spread through water, food, and daily contact. The population is generally susceptible to hepatitis A virus, any age can be infected. 

  • Treatment principles of  hepatitis A:

The treatment of hepatitis A is mainly to support treatment, symptomatic treatment, and appropriate rest.

  •  How to prevent hepatitis A?

1. Inoculation of hepatitis A vaccine is an effective measure to prevent hepatitis A. I save the routine immunization of school-age children with hepatitis A vaccine for hepatitis A live attenuated vaccine, in 18 months of age to vaccinate 1 agent, parents should take children to vaccinate in time according to immunization procedures. At the same time did not suffer armor liver or had not inoculated armor liver vaccine adult, also can vaccinate armor liver vaccine at one's own expense voluntarily to undertake the prevention of disease. 

2. Other prevention measures: 

  • Change unhealthy diet habits. Do not drink raw water, do not eat raw seafood, especially for some can enrich the sea, such as the hair cockles virus, aquatic products, when eating must be cooked steamed thoroughly, put an end to eat raw, half raw eat and pickled after direct consumption.

  • Develop good hygiene habits, pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands before and after using the toilet, and check the "disease from the mouth" pass.

  • Do a good job in environmental sanitation. Household garbage and feces should be cleaned in time and treated innocently. 

  • People with elevated body temperature accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice should go to the hospital in time for early diagnosis, early report, early isolation, and early treatment.

The hepatitis A virus IgM antibody detection kit (Colloidal gold method, gxzz 20163402243, patent product: ZL201120274879.0) is launched by Beijing Zhongjian Antai Diagnostic Co. Ltd. 

The kit is easy to operate for early diagnosis and screening of hepatitis A virus; Micro sample detection can be realized (10-20 microliters); Suitable for a variety of samples: whole blood, serum, plasma, samples without prior treatment, direct drip; The detection time is short (within 20min), and the detection report is quick; Suitable for basic clinics, hospitals, centers for Disease Control and physical examination institutions, such as the use and popularity. 


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